Something Wicked This Way Comes

Every year the Unitarian Universalists hold a General Assembly, a grand conclave in which delegates from the congregations gather and do stuff. I’ve never been to a GA, so I have no idea what they do, but part of it involves voting on candidates for the Board of Trustees of the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA).

At first blush, this will sound like an innocuous democratic process, but it’s not. First, there are rarely any candidates other than those put forward by the nominating committee, and the nominating committee is run by the current Board. It’s a circular process. Second, delegates are not always well informed, either about the candidates or about other issues on which they will be voting. Third, the items on which votes will be held are not generally discussed in the congregations that the delegates represent, so the delegates are often voting based on their own ideas, or half-formed impulses, rather than representing the views of their congregations.

This is all by way of background. I’m going somewhere. Hang with me.

This year, Jay Kiskel is running for the Board, but not as a nominee chosen by the nominating committee. He’s doing it on his own. As a result, there will be actual choices to be made among the candidates. The tricky bit is, how are delegates to be informed as to the various positions of the candidates for whom they will be voting?

Jay Kiskel and Frank Casper are the heads of an advocacy group called the Fifth Principle Project. The Fifth Principle of Unitarian Universalism is, “The right of conscience and the use of the democratic process within our congregations and in society at large.” Jay and Frank’s book, Used to Be UU, is, among other things, a discussion of the anti-democratic drift of the UUA. (Full disclosure: I edited the book.)

In order to advance Jay’s candidacy, the reasons for which are explained in the book, the Fifth Principle Project applied for a “booth” at the 2021 GA. What a “booth” would be at a virtual General Assembly I have no idea, but it’s not cheap. They ponied up $1,200 for the booth.

This is where it gets hairy. The UUA appears now to be poised not to let them have a booth. The reasons given for this reluctance, as set forth in an email I’ll quote below, are transparently specious. What’s really going on is that the people who run the UUA are terrified of any sort of dissent. They have some well developed and elaborate ideas about how to steer Unitarian Universalism in a certain direction, and if you don’t agree with them they’re going to try to shut you up. Also, it wouldn’t be much of a stretch to guess that they’re not happy to see Jay running for the Board.

Let’s take a close look at the email Frank Casper received from LaTonya Richardson, who identifies herself as the Director of the General Assembly & Conference Services.

Dear Frank,

Thanks for your application to reserve an exhibit booth at our virtual GA this year. The application has been placed on hold because our office is in receipt of three emails expressing concern about the presence of a Fifth Principle Project booth at GA.  Here’s a summary…

“Mr. Casper and Mr. Kiskel are bragging on their Fifth Principle Project website that they are going to have an exhibitor booth at the 2021 General Assembly. (see Given that the publication of their book is probably going to be a major part of that space, this makes me very uncomfortable. The idea that someone can get an exhibitor booth to promote said book seems very out of covenant to me. If their booth is approved, it would make me very uncomfortable and many other people as well.”

“I hope, as you are considering Fifth Principle Project’s application for an exhibitor booth, you will consider these concerns. I do not believe it is within the spirit of General Assembly or our Unitarian Universalism in general to allow people to be legitimized with exhibition hall space. Thank you in advance. Mr. Casper has a history of toxic behavior towards UUs in online spaces.”

“As a UU leader, I am concerned about the Fifth Principle Project. I’ve been observing and intervening on problematic activity on UU social media since ‘The Gadfly Papers’ was published. The online behavior Fifth Principle Project founder Frank Casper and other 5PP group members has been disconcerting, particularly how they relate to marginalized groups. I’m concerned to the point that I worry about how these folks might respond if they find out I am reaching out to you. I and others imagine this organization might be a disruptive presence at GA.”

Frank, similar concerns were raised during GA 2020 when GA attendees discovered that UUMAC (represented by Mr. Campbell and Mr. Lindrup) had reserved an exhibit booth and time slot on our GA Learning Stage. I said then, and it still holds true, that the UUA GA will not be complicit when our intended audience, registered attendees of General Assembly, perceive rhetoric to be deliberately antagonistic and harmful. We strive to make GA an accessible and inclusive virtual community, so providing anyone a platform to potentially disrupt the purpose of our gathering and cause harm is counter-productive.

We know from GA 2020 that members who support UUMUAC and the Fifth Principle project used both the GA app, chat rooms in the GA Participation Portal, and email to express their outrage and incite controversy. It was disruptive enough that the GA Care Team, comprised of Chaplains, Right Relationship volunteers, Chat Moderators, and others dealt with complaints and concerns about it. I’m curious what is different from last June? Also, what agreements might we put in place now to ensure that whatever content you all choose to share is done respectfully? What recourse do we have should either content and communications from this exhibit booth be perceived as declaring an assault on the UUA or GA stakeholders? How responsive are you all willing to be to concerns that your content and/or communications are causing harm?

I forwarded your booth request and the complaints we have received to the UUA Administration and will await feedback. They will follow-up with me in the coming weeks. Thank you for your patience. If you’d like a refund of the amount paid with your application, we can oblige.

This is a fascinating text. A number of points need to be made about it.

First, Richardson states that Frank and Jay’s application for a booth has been put on hold because of three emails. Three emails — imagine that! Second, the authors of the emails are anonymous. Either they’re not willing to stand up and be counted, or for some reason Richardson just plain doesn’t want anybody to know who they are.

Third, the word “bragging,” in the first message, is simply a snide attack. The announcement of the booth contained nothing that could remotely be described by an honest adult as bragging. Fourth, the first correspondent makes an unsupported guess about what will be done at the booth, without having consulted Frank or Jay to find out what their plans are. What we’re seeing here is preemptive discomfort.

The first correspondent’s stated concern is that if the booth is approved, it would make him or her, and an unnamed group of other people, “very uncomfortable.” This is raging safetyism. This correspondent explicitly holds that his or her personal discomfort is a valid reason for denying others the opportunity to present their ideas. Is this sort of childish whining what Unitarian Universalism has descended to?

The second correspondent asserts, bizarrely, that it is contrary to the spirit of UUism to “legitimize” people by allowing them booth space. As I said, I’ve never been to a GA, but I’ll bet groups like BLUU and DRUUM have booths. And of course that does legitimize them. So the problem here is that the author of this message wants to legitimize one group of advocates (of whom he or she most likely approves) but not to legitimize another group with whom he or she disagrees.

This is no more and no less than an attempt to silence people with whom the correspondent disagrees. It’s entirely contrary to the spirit of Unitarian Universalism, which historically has always placed a high value on the free exchange of ideas.

I haven’t followed what Frank Casper has said on social media, so I can’t comment on that directly. I’ll say only that in the absence of specifics, this accusation comes across more as slander (or as hurt feelings) than as a legitimate complaint. I haven’t met Frank, but I’ve been in Zoom meetings with him, and my impression of his personality is that at times he can be a bit abrasive. That being the case, what we have here is someone objecting to a UU organization having a booth at the GA because one of the people at the booth may be a bit abrasive. A complaint of that sort ought to be too petty to take seriously, or so one would think. Is attendance at the General Assembly to be limited strictly to people who are pleasant?

The third correspondent is explicitly worried that Jay and Frank are going to engage in some sort of vendetta against him or her for opposing their application for a booth. This is just plain weird. On the other hand, given the vociferous vendetta that hundreds of UU ministers have waged against Todd Eklof, this person may worry that he or she will be treated the way his or her friends have treated Reverend Eklof. So maybe it’s not as far-fetched a fear as I would imagine. Delusional, yes; paranoid, yes; but not far-fetched.

The concern about the booth being “a disruptive presence” is more of the same. Advocacy of ideas that these people disagree with is seen by them as disruptive. Rational discussion and even disagreement are evidently beyond their capacity.

Richardson then takes the position that the UUA doesn’t want to be complicit “when our intended audience, registered attendees of General Assembly, perceive rhetoric to be deliberately antagonistic and harmful.” This is postmodern safetyism in action: If attendees perceive a presentation to be harmful, then it’s automatically harmful, and has to be squashed. The idea that people’s perceptions might be biased or simply incorrect, that their emotional response might be misplaced, is not even open to discussion. And note the use of the pejorative term “rhetoric.” This embeds the idea that whatever Jay and Frank will be saying in their booth, it’s not honest, it’s “rhetoric.”

Richardson goes on to suggest (the suggestion is implicit but unmistakable) that she and the UUA want to exert prior restraint on what Jay and Frank might say at their booth. Based on her discomfort with an unrelated situation in a prior year, she wants assurances that the presentation by the Fifth Principle Project will be “respectful.” She is worried about an “assault.”

I’m tempted to say, “What the actual fuck is wrong with these people?” But we know what’s wrong with them. They’re part of the Woke Squad in the Holy Church of Anti-Racism. It’s a vital element of the creed of the Holy C.A.R. that members should never be confronted by ideas that would make them uncomfortable — especially if those ideas are presented by white men. You may think I’m exaggerating, but I’m not. These are members of a supposedly spiritual organization, an organization that has long been known as the most liberal denomination in the Protestant religious community, and yet they view respectful dissent as “assault.”

And then, although the UUA has not yet officially made a decision, Richardson offers to give Frank back his $1,200. Does anybody think the decision is not a foregone conclusion?

I’m not in the inner circles of Unitarian Universalism, and I’m definitely not a person of faith. I’m just a writer. But I do believe that responsible adults do not respond to dissent in the cowardly and flagrantly dishonest way that LaTonya Richardson has done here. If this is spirituality, you can take your spirituality and shove it where the sun don’t shine.

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18 Responses to Something Wicked This Way Comes

  1. Jay Kiskel says:

    Update on the situation about the application by the Fifth Principle Project for a booth at this year’s virtual General Assembly in June. Since this booth is a key element in educating General Assembly delegates that they have an opportunity, denied to them for many, many years, to cast a vote for a member of the UUA Board of Trustees that the decision on the application be rendered by Friday, April 2.

    The request provided those reviewing the application five business days to render a decision.
    The president of the Association and moderators of the UUA Board have been copied on all correspondence.

    Will provide an update when the decision is rendered.

  2. Marian Elizabeth Hennings says:

    I think LaTonya Richardson owes an apology to several people: Jay Kiskel, Frank Casper, and Finley Campbell. I won’t hold my breath waiting for her to do that. The arrogant self-righteousness of people such as Richardson is breathtaking – reminds me of Rowling’s dementors.

    • renibob1929 says:

      The UUA board is an authoritarian organization and as such does not countenance dissent. To please them you have to bow down and repeat “ I am a White Supremacist culpa, Mea maxima culpa.”

      The current president was hand-picked in a totally undemocratic process. Anyone wanting to run against her , as Todd Eklof tried , was discouraged, or actually dismissed.
      Sophia, Betancourt fits the bill of the new direction of the UU. She is “queer “and of mixed race. What more could you want? And now she’s promoting for all congregations the book, “The Black Trans Prayerbook “. It has spells and incantations in its expensive ($80 !) pages. Just the ticket for us Unitarians.

      It also claims that “Trans people are divine “and “Transphobia is a sin”! So now we have to accept divinity and sin of some “ marginalized “

      Sophia seems to be proposing this as the new religion for the UU congregations. And, in addition, we can all buy shirts and mugs promoting this divinity and sin. Seriously! What fun!

       If you thought it was bad, it has gotten worse…much worse! 

      Time for a divorce !

      • Tom Clowes says:

        Would you also object to a prayer book for Lithuanian women? If so, what’s your reason for being upset? If not, for what reason does the centering of Black and trans identities make you upset?

      • midiguru says:

        To Tom Clowes, a quick note: First of all, the notion of ANY type of prayer is anathema to a lot of UUs. We don’t need no steenkin’ prayer books! This problem is amplified by the use of the word “divine.” If trans people are “divine” then we’re ALL divine, so there’s no need to single out trans people for their alleged divinity. I’m all for inclusion, but I balk at “centering.” Either we’re ALL in the center, or the term is meaningless. The term “centering” implies a zero-sum game — a game in which, in order to “center” a marginalized group, we have to “de-center” white cisgender men. I reject the notion that anybody needs to be de-centered. We’re ALL in the center.

        Also, as a copy-editor, I reject the capitalizing of the word “Black.” If we capitalize “Black,” we must also capitalize “White.” Equality, you know, cuts both ways.

      • Tom Clowes says:

        I capitalize White. I think most Black people who capitalize Black also capitalize White, though I am aware that plenty of White-run media only capitalize Black but not “white.” For me, capitalizing both is sensible and grammatical – when I speak about White people or Black people, I’m referring to a specific racial and/or ethnic group akin to Jamaicans or Latvians – a proper noun. I’m not talking about the color white or black. This is mostly a diversion but an interesting topic to me at least – more to your main point in a moment!

      • Tom Clowes says:

        Regarding the prayer book, it seemed like the original commenter’s concern wasn’t that the UUA had published a prayer book per se, but that it was a Black and trans prayer book. Indeed, all of the rest of the post is a complaint about the UUA’s efforts trying to be inclusive of Black and/or trans and/or LGBT people.

      • Tom Clowes says:

        When you say “We’re all the in center,” do you mean that aspirationally? Or do you believe we live in a just society where no one is marginalized, where our race, gender, sexual orientation, nationality, and/or other identities do not negatively affect people’s lives?

      • midiguru says:

        To Tom Clowes: Aspirationally, yes. Or metaphysically, if you prefer. Clearly there are enormous disparities in how people are treated, at least in U.S. society at large. I would argue that the disparities within UU are so minuscule as to be all but undetectable. I don’t think UU is in need of any sort of house-cleaning. It seems to me that the push to make UU congregations “accountable” is a thoroughly authoritarian tactic based on some very muddle-headed notions about how to engage in social justice work. In my view, we need to make a clear distinction between goals and methods. The goals of anti-racism and so on are laudable, but the methods being employed by the people in the upper echelons of the UUA are contemptible. What’s worse, they tend to interpret any questioning of their methods as a covert way of undermining their goals. This is childish. It’s kindergarten thinking. Adults do not make this mistake. Adults do not try to silence those who disagree with them — yet the UUA no longer publishes letters to the editor in UU World. Why not? Because they want to stifle disagreement. They’re cowards, they’re childish, and they’re dangerous.

  3. Pingback: General Assembly Booth Denied – Fifth Principle Project

  4. Jay Kiskel says:

    There is more to the booth story at the Fifth Principle Project website.

  5. Tom Clowes says:

    It’s hard for me to evaluate the views of 5PP because their FB group is closed and they’ve denied my request to join. That seems hypocritical from a group that claims to want transparency and open debate.

    • midiguru says:

      I have no idea what’s up with the Facebook group, but Facebook is not the be-all and end-all. Have you looked at their website? I don’t know if the website is free to peruse, but I don’t see a Login button, so I would assume it’s open to the public.

  6. Pingback: How the Unitarian Universalist Association Works to Dismantle Democracy | Looking at Artifacts and Ideas

  7. Pingback: Intolerance and Illiberalism in Unitarian Universalism | Looking at Artifacts and Ideas

  8. Tom Clowes says:

    I’m not wild about calling people with whom we disagree “childish,” but also I do understand and relate to your point about White “woke” UUs (which I’m sure includes me, lol) wanting to shut down conversations. In my experience, White folks in general (not necessarily UUs in particular) can be reticent to have probing and thoughtful conversations about race and may prefer to repeat “woke” or “anti-woke” talking points rather than make serious engagement in topics. I understand that some viewpoints being expressed can be hurtful to people of color, and I understand wanting to not cause harm. However, I’ve certainly seen plenty of White people not want to engage in conversation on a difficult topic of race and so therefore just default at what seems least controversial among the people whose esteem they value. As an example, I think “American Indian” is an OK general term to use because most evidence is that it’s preferred by most people who are American Indians themselves. That’s an unpopular opinion, and it would be easier to just avoid the issue altogether, because it’s messy. Some Native people are understandably totally against using that term, and I definitely think that’s fine. But there’s not a simple answer. Having an open conversation about race means being open to the possibility of learning, of making mistakes, and of growing, and that’s hard for all of us. Not everyone is there yet.
    On the other hand, all evidence is that UUs of color experience the same disparities within UUism as they do in the larger world around us. I don’t know of any evidence to the contrary. Do you?

    • midiguru says:

      With respect to the experience of UUs of color, I’m sure it would be very difficult to know one way or the other. I don’t know what “all evidence” you’re referring to. I’ve read large portions of, what was it called?, the COIC Report. It was full of anecdotes, and anecdotes are not scientific evidence. Some of the anecdotes were fairly horrifying, but others were a lot more ambiguous, and could easily be evidence only of somebody _wanting_ to find a reason to feel discriminated against. That’s the trouble with anecdotes: You can’t tell what was actually going on in ANY situation unless you interview, dispassionately and using logic, the people on both sides of an incident. It is a cardinal error to work from the position that the “lived experience” of people of color is to be accepted at face value, while white people’s experience of an incident is to be discounted because they’re assumed to be (consciously or unconsciously) the oppressors. If _everybody’s_ lived experience, be they white or black, gay or straight, trans or cis, is not given equal value and equal credence as an uncomfortable incident is being evaluated, I don’t even want to hear about it.

      And that’s the trouble with what’s going on in UU. The business of “centering marginalized voices” is being treated as a zero-sum game. In order to “center” the “lived experience” of people of color and people of other groups, the white cis-gendered heterosexual men are being told to sit down and shut up. In some cases (as with Todd Eklof) quite literally told to shut up.

      When several hundred UU ministers sign an Open Letter in which they denounce the use of logic and reason (and that is exactly what they did), I say the hell with them. They’re being childish, and I’ll keep right on saying it. They’re stamping their little feet and whining like toddlers because the adult in the room (Todd Eklof) pointed out in a mild, reasonable way that they were wrong. And they just can’t STAND being told that.

      • Tom Clowes says:

        If we compiled a report of UUs with disabilities’ experience and some said, say, that they couldn’t access their church because the elevator was unreliable, would you say we needed to also hear from able-bodied UUs to get “both sides of the story”? Would the church be any less inaccessible if able-bodied UUs had no intention for the church to be inaccessible? Would able-bodied UUs’ lived experiences be invalidated by the report on UUs with disabilities’ experiences?

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